The U.S. Department of Justice defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force or violence committed by a group or individual against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
For the purpose of this profile, a terrorism, or homeland security hazards includes chemical attack, explosive attack, radiological attack, nuclear attack, food / food production attack, armed assault, vehicle attack, bioterrorism, cyber attack, and civil unrest. (Please refer to the Magnitude section of Terroism chapter in the plan document for details). However, terror can be exhibited through many different forms and may be more subtle using non-traditional methods.
Location and Extent
Terrorism threat extent is determined using the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS). This system provides three levels of alert, including: elevated, intermediate, or imminent. It also provides a summary of the terrorism threat, additional details regarding the threat, a duration for the threat, and information for how the public can help and be prepared. Local Emergency Operation Plans are beginning to address annexations and terrorism areas of concern. Consult these plans for further information.
No terrorism history was available for CVPDC at the time of the update. Several of the communities in the CVPDC provided information about their Emergency Operation Plans (EOP). These plans are beginning to address terrorism as a concern in operation.
Plan Chapter